cis-Ferulic acid

cis-Ferulic acid

$240.00 - 1 mg

$840.00 - 5 mg

All prices in Australian dollars

(Z)-Ferulic acid
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
>95% by HPLC
Long Term Storage
Soluble in methanol and DMSO.

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Application Notes

Ferulic acid is a ubiquitous and fundamental metabolite in the plant kingdom and forms the building blocks of lignocelluloses. cis-Ferulic acid is the minor isomer of trans-ferulic acid formed by exposure to light and temperature. cis-Ferulic acid, but not trans-ferulic acid, acts as a plant growth stimulator in wheat coleoptiles. The concentration of cis-ferulic acid increases during germination of corn seeds, whereas the concentration of trans-ferulic acid decreases. Exogenous ferulic acid improves growth and phenolic and carotenoid content in tomatoes.


  • Shubert T.A. & Kravchenko N.T. (1968). Physiological activity and cis-trans isomerism in a series of hydroxycinnamic acids. Fenol'nye soedineniya i ikh biologicheskie funktsii, materialy vsesoyuznogo simpoziuma po fenol'nym soedineniyam, 247.
  • Shubert T.A. et al. (1969). Cis-trans isomers of ferulic acid during the germination of corn seeds. Fiziologiya rastenii (Moscow), 16, 308.
  • Gorni P.H. et al. (2021). Exogenous salicylic acid and ferulic acid improve growth, phenolic and carotenoid content in tomato. Hort. Sci., 35, 335.

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